Home / Chairman's Message
" To those who see with the loving eyes, life is beautiful...
To those who speak with tender voices, life is peaceful...
To those who help with gentle hands, life is full...
And those who care with compassionate hearts,
life is beyond all measures... "
I delightfully welcome you all to the JINS family. It is my vision to provide the world with highly skilled, motivated, responsible, compassionate and disciplined health professional to shape a better future. We believe that education is the basis of all progress and not to restrict itself to imparting bookish knowledge but a holistic education. Learning should be based on doing things and not merely knowing things. Until and unless learning solutions relate to real life and motivate the learner to acquire and apply the knowledge, the whole process will remain superficial. We believe in hard work, open communication, team work and high level of responsibility in creating personally mature, professionally equipped and service oriented nursing graduates. A team of fabulous faculty members under the leadership of our beloved principal who display boundless energy and intense commitment has created an open, receptive, relaxed and enjoyable environment to grasp subtle values of life.
Sincere Regards.
Jahan Group